10 April 2015

Fact #80

The strongest muscle in human body is the jaw muscle.

Fact #79

Humans share 50 percent of their DNA with bananas.

Fact #78

In your lifetime, you will produce enough spit to fill two swimming pools.

Fact #77

At Brennender Berg (“Burning Mountain”) in Germany, underground coal has been on fire since 1688.

Fact #76

The oldest known continuously burning fire in the world is below Mount Wingen (popularly called the “Burning Mountain”) in Australia’s Burning Mountain Nature Reserve. The underground coal fire exists at a depth of 30 meters and has been burning continuously since the last 6,000 years. The fire is moving south at the rate of 1 meter per year.

9 April 2015

Fact #75

An octopus has three hearts.

Fact #74

John Tyler, the 10th president of the US, was born in 1790. His two grandsons are still alive today.

Fact #73

Unicorn is Scotland’s national animal.

Fact #72

By law, beer commercials in America are disallowed from showing people drinking beer.

Fact #71

Male ostriches can roar like lions

8 April 2015

Fact #70

Elephants can smell water from three miles away.

Fact #69

Giraffes never lie down.

Fact #68

You can’t belch in space — there is no gravity to separate gas from liquid in your stomach.

Fact #67

The Southern Right Whale has the largest testicles of any living being on earth, with each pair weighing around a ton.

Fact #66

Sound travels five times faster in water than in air.

7 April 2015

Fact #65

The second-loudest animal on earth is the Howler Monkey which is found in the rain forests of Latin America. It usually howls in morning and evening to communicate with others of the species. These howls can be heard up to 3 miles away in dense forest.

Fact #64

Humpback whales are the loudest animals on earth. Their low-frequency rumbling “songs” (over 180 decibels in volume) can be heard 500 miles away under water. (In contrast,  the sound of a jet engine reaches only 140 decibels.) 
Blue whales stay alone and communicate with whales in other oceans with their deep sound, often in frequencies as low as 14 Hz which humans cannot hear.

Fact #63

The blue whale is the largest animal ever in the history of the earth. Weighing 144 tons, it is larger than even the biggest dinosaur. Its tongue weighs as much as an elephant and its heart is as big as a car.

Fact #62

The French Poodle dog breed originated not in France but in Germany, where it was known as the Pudel.

Fact #61

Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.

6 April 2015

Fact #60

The Black Box found in aircraft is orange in color.

Fact #59

Cats have three eyelids. Their sense of smell is 14 times stronger than that of humans.

Fact #58

Synesthesia is a rare condition in which the senses get cross-wired. Stimulation of one sense causes stimulation of another. If you have synesthesia, you may see colours when you hear a sound, or you can taste words!

Fact #57

Marie Curie’s notebooks are still radioactive. People wishing to read them have to sign a disclaimer that they are doing so at their own risk.

Fact #56

When someone sleeps through winter (like bears), it’s called hibernation. When someone sleeps through summers, it is called aestivation. Many animals — both in water and land — aestivate to avoid damage from high temperatures and dehydration.

5 April 2015

Fact #55

When Leonardo da Vinci died, King of France, Francis I, used the Mona Lisa to decorate his bathroom.

Fact #54

Ice-cream headache, also called brain freeze, cold-rush or Iceberger’s syndrome, is the headache you experience after eating something extremely cold. The phenomenon has a medical name: sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia

Fact #53

If you begin to count from one and spell out all the numbers as you go, you won’t get to use the letter “A” until you have reached 1,000.

Fact #52

The present 50-star American flag was designed by a 17-year-old Ohio high-school student Robert G Heft for a class project. His teacher gave him a B– for his work.

Fact #51

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was the only person in the world to have survived two nuclear blasts. He was present in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the nukes were dropped. He died in 2010, aged 93.